
Film Diary / 29.03.2021

On my walk, I noticed a construction on the picket fence in Driscoll Lane. It was about two inches long, consisting of a spray of leaves, skewered on what looked like a twig encrusted with wood shavings. By this evening I had confirmation that this was built by the leaf case moth larva, making it the sixth such species in my album and the third seen for the first time on the picket fence. The caterpillar creates a silken sheath, encrusted with bits of leaf and twigs.



Film Diary / 20.03.2021

An exchange of emails with Peter Hendry, about a moth I photographed at the garage on 7.3.21 concluded today. Peter originally thought the moth possibly belonged to the genus Tineidae. I sent Peter photos of two similar moths taken previously and, after consulting a lepidopterist friend, Peter agreed with him that all three moths are different species of the genus Philobota, a very rewarding result, even if they could not be identified to species level.


Book / 12.03.2021

An email arrived from Port Augusta Library confirming an order via their usual supplier. This follows an exchange of emails on 10.3.21 with a librarian who is constrained by the Public Library South Australia monthly list of approved books, which typically contains 7,000 titles. My book was on the December list which cannot be accessed retrospectively by any of the libraries I contacted this month. PS By 25.3.21 I had received 5 Phase 2 orders. Once I return from Longreach on April 19, I intend to contact libraries in Victoria.


Film Diary / 11.03.2021

Today, Peter Hendry confirmed that a moth I photographed yesterday was a new species of moth for my album, and one he has not seen. There have been a marked number of such finds since the owner reinstated the old light bulbs in late January. The newfangled previous bulbs proved unattractive to moths.


Book / 09.03.2021

There were nine libraries in South Australia that I did not contact last November, an omission I made good today.


Film Diary / 24.02.2021

This evening I had dinner with Steve and Paulina and delivered a memory card with over two hours of new footage for Steve to download and time code, covering the period from 20 September last year to February 1 this year.


My Travels / 15.02.2021

For someone who enjoys travel as much as I do, it was especially good, during these covid times, to fly to Tasmania on February 9, after too long an interval. Suellen met me at Launceston airport, an hour’s journey from her home at Clarence Point, as the light was fading.  The house Craig and Suellen have bought is even more beautiful than their mountain eyrie. Its Japanese garden, planted by previous owners, is widely known in the locality. It was overgrown and unkempt, when they moved in. Craig has spent months and a small fortune to resurrect its former glory and build a labyrinth of paths which must stretch for several hundred metres in all. They have been in Tasmania for just over a year and love living there.

The house is separated by a road and grassed area from the Tamar River, where it widens into promontories, that on the far bank concealing Bell Bay, Tasmania’s main commercial port, and the one on the near bank shielding Beauty Point from view. Beyond the river are ranges of hills and far-off mountains. The field behind the house was animated by sheep and the occasional rabbit. Flocks of masked… Read Complete Text


Film Diary / 03.02.2021

This afternoon I visited Jaap and Elisabeth. When I arrived, Elisabeth asked me if I had seen a moth on a tree next to the front path. I descended the steps from the deck to take a look and saw a magnificent hawk moth with outspread wings. I dashed home to get my camera and took many photos. PS Peter Hendry duly identified the moth, which was a male. The wingspan is cited as 12 cm on a number of websites, but I am convinced that it was substantially more.


Film Diary / 24.01.2021

The other day I spoke to the owner of the ‘moths’ garage about not having photographed or filmed a moth there since last September (the 8th, to be precise). We wondered whether the absence of moths had anything to do with the LED bulbs he had installed and he assured me that he would revert to the previous bulbs to see if this made a difference. Yesterday, after overnight rain, there were plenty of moths at the garage, but I didn’t have my camera with me, though I was happy to see that the owner had been true to his word and kindly re-instated the old bulbs. This morning yielded only two or three moths, one of which I photographed. Its wingspan was only 1.5 cm.


My Travels / 21.01.2021

Jetstar sent me an email alert about changes to my flights to Launceston. Fearing the worst, I saw the travel agent who confirmed that the flight times had changed, but not the dates. Since I booked my flights, Brisbane underwent a 3 day lockdown because there was a covid transmission in the community by a cleaner who worked in a quarantine hotel. A consequence of this was that travellers to Tasmania from Brisbane were forced into hotel quarantine on arrival. PS The restriction was lifted on 22.1.21 because 14 days had passed without further community transmission.