I spent a fair amount of time at my travel agent’s with Jodie, who kindly undertook to deal with the entry requirements for my USA trip, plus completing the ‘good to go’ form for the tour operator. It emerged that I needed to collect my laptop from home because the entry application had to come from my email address. Jodie was also required to enter details of my UK passport, though I will be using my Australian passport for the journey. I would have been a wreck if I had to complete the application without help and as it was, the toing and froing while I sat with Jodie, strung me out. After I got home, a ‘Status Change’ email from the Electronic System for Travel Authorization arrived, which I forwarded to Jodie. She phoned me a little later to tell me that she had accessed the authorization document, which she printed and added to the documents which are due to be handed over once all the vouchers arrive.